Sunday 29 September 2013

Homework sheet 1 PDME Amra Dorjneren


There are 3 main stages in the production this consists of the following: 

The pre-production is where all the planning and designing takes place. This includes creating scripts and storyboards of the film. A story board is used to create the visual ideas of what camera shots and the effect to what is going on with the creation of the film.This will help everyone to understand how the film will be presented and allow everyone to see the ideas of the different effects, shots and costumes. 

The second stage is the production, this is where the filming takes place. All the scenes which were planned in the 'pre production' stage are filmed at the planned locations. The scenes are filmed more than once to ensure good quality and perfection. This is also done to make sure that all necessary shots are taken as it is difficult to go back and repeat certain events if the filming is incomplete when it comes to the 'post production' stage. 


The last production stage is where all the scenes and clips are edited, assembled and concluded. All the extras such as music, effects, lighting and text are also edited in.


Standard release

The standard release is when the film is first screened in cinemas and then, released onto DVD's after about 16 weeks. After a couple of years it is then released to air free on TV channels.

Simultaneous release

Simultaneous Release is when the film is released on different medias 

Straight to Video Release
This is when the film is released straight to DVD/Blu-Ray or television companies without being released at cinemas 

Internet Release
This is when the film is released on the internet without screening in theatres. 

Examples of Marketing:
-Internet- via social networking sites
-Bill boards
-Advertsing through products e.g Food
-Magazines/news paper
-Friends and Families


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